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Digging Further into Visual Range / Camping Strategy.

See: SW1
Alright. The Blue circle in the center is meant to represent the circle it flighs after it spawns. Which direction it faces, exactly after it spawns, I really don't know. From videos of people that actually see it spawning at various spawn spots, one video will differ fron another video of the same spot at time of spawn (at close range.) so I assume it's a combination of server lag vs. latency vs. computer speed loading it, etc etc.

Now, the white outline is intended to very roughly represent the general area Aeonaxx can be seen in during it's route. If you've ever had a hunter and sat staring at your minimap, you can get a good idea of what this concept is. When flying around as a hunter tracking things you tend to see things ahead of you - and I've observed Aeonaxx works in much the same way as far as visual range goes. As it's flying in a circle, you can see it from a lot further away as it approaches you. And a smaller range as it's flying away from you. Now, since it's flying in a circle, it spreads out the range you would otherwise see it at. So, as it completes it's circle it creates the massive visual range.

And Yes. If you're thinking "Well, that means you can't ALWAYS see Aeonaxx at all times in your view radius when it spawns." you're right. But, the reason I didn't really bother posting this sooner is because that shouldn't effect how you camp. As I'm sure anyone who has spent any time looking into this on youtube has found - plenty of videos of people grabbing aeonaxx flying right by people who are afk and/or not paying attention. And that's assuming anyone's even around to see stuff spawn to begin with.

I just wanted to post this to kind of shed some light more directly on how the visual range works. I've explained this in some places as if you're at SW2 there is in fact a chance it can spawn down at SW1 and get mounted and fly off without the SW2 camper seeing it. but, I would argue that it doesn't matter, I would still camp within range of 3 spots being possible to see (while preferably sitting as close to 1 spot as possible) because if you're on the ball, there's a better chance you'll see and mount a mount at one of the 2 (or 3, depending on where you're sitting) further away spawn spots than no chance at all if you're not in view of them.

I hope this clears things up.