. Grey Riding Camel


NPC Name: Dormus the Camel Hoarder
Level . 85 (Elite)
HP . 271,215
Drops . Reins of the Grey Riding Camel
Does some AOE you have to keep out of. Other than that, easy fight.

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Mysterious Camel Figurines are the ticket to fighting Dormus the Camel Hoarder.

The NPC IDs for these are 50410 and 50409.

50410 100% of the time turns into Crumbled Statue Remnants.

50409 100% of the time will teleport you to The Steaming Pools, where you will have 30 minutes to fight Dormus the Camel Hoarder in a different phase than anyone else can join.


You do not need to be low to the ground to see the figurines. You can be 90,000 yards up in the air, or however high the ceiling is, and NPC scan will detect a figurine on the ground. The radius at which you can see them does not change.

There is no chance the figurine with the ID 50410 can teleport you. Not a single chance.

You can no longer target the Figurines like you could in early Cataclysm.

You can not have someone outside the phase in the same spot and have them roll on it anymore, they patched that back in January. You also can't possibly have anyone else roll on the mount in any way. And the debuff falls off you in real time wether you are online or not. - Blizzard did a good job of nixing every possible way anybody but the person who clicks 50409 and gets teleported can get their hands on a camel.


This is not the Time-Lost Proto Drake. Nor is it Aeonaxx. Under no circumstances do I believe sitting in any positions stationary is a good plan for finding 50409. In fact this one pretty much requires you to solidly fly in whatever pattern you are most comfortable with from spawn spot to spawn spot. Now, knowing you in fact don't have to sit close to the ground (what a ridiculous idea, i was surprised someone knew so little about WoW mechanics that they thought that was true) - I always stay up at cloud level so I don't have to waste time ascending and descending as I'm making rounds.

Spawn time is uncannily like TLPD/Vyragosa back in Wrath and Aeonaxx/Blood Seeker in Cataclysm. Another 6-22+ hour rotation, with usually the fake one (50410) spawning.

SO - Fly like hell, hit all the spawn spots, and take a 5 hour break (I'd say, to be safe) after you find a fake. Rinse and repeat!


Note: You can make dozens of free accounts and log them all in and take an army down and have group, will travel them all over hell. If they die at spawn spots who cares, you can just go sit at the corpse as a ghost and see stuff just like you were alive, so... Works out. Have fun with 900 trial accounts burning your processor(s)! (thanks Aggrocrombie / others who i forget if they've said it before haha)

Works in Uldum and Water World (Poseidus.) Not Deepholm / Storm Peaks.

02:05 . Oct 12 . 2015

So. Heard flying came to WoD. Needed to kill a month until Fallout 4. Blabla, conversation about camels, then wanted to see this nameplate on something not able to be targeted myself. The guy came out with me, then...


Luck of Ponderance still exists, apparently. yeahyeah, that was the first time I logged in that toon since last year. Shit's not pretty, k.