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. How To .

I've redone the How To to be more simple and hopefully more clear.  And before I begin:  If you see someone camping a spot, MOVE ON TO CHECK THE NEXT SPOT. Camping where someone is already camping is stacking.  And if you're stacking, you're literally telling that person "Fuck you, I'm going to cut throat you and take it for myself."  Dick move.  Don't be a dick.

    Page One

- for people on PVP servers - make sure to read this page from the old How To (updated on 12.7.11)

    Page Two: <=== You Are Here.

    Page Three: 


. 03 . Add-Ons and Macros

Note:  Hitting a macro will keep you from disconnecting.  You do not have to move/jump to keep from disconnecting.  You will get an AFK flag but you will not get disconnected. Hitting a macro is an activity, like moving, in the eyes of World of Warcraft's time-out mechanism.  This also can act as a back-up, and more verbal / alarming warning system beyond what NPCScan/Silver Dragon has.  Just grab Silver Dragon and NPCScan from your favorite addon website.  In regards to TLPD/Vyra there's really nothing you need to add or subtract about it.  However, there are some points for settings you'll want to know about.

There are three that are widely used.

01 . NPC_Scan
02 . Silver Dragon
03 . NPC_Scan Overlay

__ NPC Scan __
The way this works is when a rare mob comes into view, it is loaded into your cache so you can see it.  The act of the server putting the information on your computer, into your cache, triggers NPC_Scan and alerts you to the rare.  Thus, if it's in visual range so the server tells you it's there, it'll trigger NPC_Scan.  Now, that means NPC_Scan doesn't have any set range.  It totally depends on the mob it is detecting.  Skoll has a short range as it isn't seen from very far away.  Where, for example, Putridus the Ancient can be seen from Dalaran when halfway into Icecrown.  

NPC_Scan can be set to turn sound on when it goes off where Silver Dragon as of 4.1.11 can not. 

__ Regarding NPC_Scan Turning Sound On __
In order for this to work, you MUST have the top box checked on the sound menu. The box you want unchecked (to turn off sound) is "Sound Effects" on the top left, under the main check box at top center. And on another note, you are going to want to make sure WoW is maximized. Do not minimize it, as in various operating systems it tends to mute things that are minimized. Try to keep it maximized and have other windows simply in front of it. It is a good idea to check back every so often to make sure the sound is working properly. I personally, if I'm hardcore camping Aeonaxx, have the sound on so I can monitor wing flapping. This, though, sometimes is misleading as I've noticed at times the wing flapping loop will be triggered for a while when the sound isn't working properly. Either way, be mindful of this.


__ Silver Dragon __
Make sure for Silver Dragon you have the most recent version. Silver Dragon has additional detection methods, such as Nameplates, Target, Mouseover.  Also can be set to report to party or specific channels, raid chat, guild, officer chat, etc. Damn worthwhile when camping in a group.

You can set it up so it reports what it sees to a chat channel. This can be your party, or a custom channel (like, /join dildofanclub - then everyone in dildofanclub can see what other people's silver dragons are seeing. really nice for setting up camps where people are afk and sometimes can't get in parties.)


__ NPC Scan Overlay __
NPC_Scan Overlay is wrong and mostly useless.  Don't even bother.  Especially with TLPD and Vyragosas, it's way off.  As you can plainly see by the map on the Facts page which shows the general areas Aeonaxx sticks to after spawning.  Doesn't look ANYTHING like NPC_Overlay's crap.  But, with one that was as halfway accurate with TLPD/Vyra, what was to be expected?


NPC_Scan Setup:

. Make sure all of these are checked.  You can use whatever sound file you think will cut through any background noice you normally have.


. Make sure Search for completed Achievement NPCs, and Frostbitten are checked.


. Here is a tip for Windows users, doing it during a live camp when you don't want to log out for more than the absolute minimum time: delete the cache with the game open, open a new game, log in, logging in will kick you offline obviously, get in the game with minimal time out of game -- works like a charm.

. Make sure also that there are no markings of x present in the Cached column.  To delete the cache (used by both NPC Scan and Silver Dragon, go to your WoW folder:
WoW Folder/Cache/WDB/enUS/*delete everything IMO, fuck it, just delete it all*
+ for Windows Vista/7 Users, you may need to delete:
*WindowsUserName*/AppData/Local/VirtualStore/Program Files/WoW Folder/Cache/WDB/EnUS/*delete everything IMO*

Below are my settings for Silver Dragon.

If you have a mouse or keyboard that comes with built in macro recorders, feel free to use them.  There are software programs out there that do the EXACT same thing.  They don't ban for these as this functionality that comes with the mice and keyboards would essentially be like banning drivers.  And they aren't going to do that.  I know people who've been using this sort of looped macro for years.  Just part of life in an MMO these days.


Here are some commands that are useful to put in a macro - this way you can build the macro from what you want.



/tar vyragosa
/tar time-lost
/stopmacro [noexists]

This is a simple macro to keep it from dragging yourself or other mobs into it's functionality. It will break anything you have targeted, and attempt to target Time-Lost and Vyragosa.  If you do not target anything, the macro will not continue down to other functions you have added.  This should always be part of a targeting macro when camping - this saves from false-positive hits, unless a player is named starting with Aeonaxx, that is.

/script PlaySoundFile("Sound\\Creature\\Mimiron\\UR_Mimiron_TankSlay01.wav")

script plays the sound file of Mimiron yelling "MEDIC!"


This command echoes the target.  So if you do /p %t <==== it will, if you have aeonaxx targetd, say  "Time-Lost Proto Drake <====" to party, or whatever you have it set to.  /raid for raid, /say for say, however you want to do it.

/script px,py=GetPlayerMapPosition("player")
/script DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage(format("[ %s ] %i , %i",GetZoneText(),px*100,py*100));

This prints your X and Y coordinates in your main chatbox.  This way, if you have a way to continuously key click while flying around, or just want the coords immediately shown, whichever you need it for, you can have a log of where the macro picked something up.

/run Screenshot()

This command inside a macro will cause the macro, if it gets past the targeting section, will have the macro also take a screenshot. Can be very useful.

/p %t Sighted!!

This causes whatever you have targetd to go to party as "[P] Name: Vyragosa Sighted!!"

/console Sound_EnableSFX 1

This enables sound.  So you can have your macro spamming with sound off, and when it triggers on something it'll turn sound on to make your sound scripts in the macro audible.  Thanks GlobSonOfGlop! <3

/script RetrieveCorpse();

When dead and at your corpse, having this in your macro while still a ghost will cause you to revive at your body. Very useful.



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If you want to look through the old How To section: feel free - here you go.

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