i would love to stab you
and could you blame me
after everything you’ve done
can’t i have a little fun?
find a way to sweep you up
into a solid managable pile
all the hypocricies
every ounce of bull shit
3 5 8 times of death
swallow the silver bullet
then take the stainless steel penetration
that’s what i want
to bring the abstract idea
into a solid useful form
empty of everything i love
full of the very things i hate
then let me be to desecrate
pregnancy is a tranport to hell
the act of birth is the arrival
we know there aren’t means of survival
our hearts minds and bodies have died long ago
so we try to pretend that we just do not know?
so i keep stabbing
the fire spreads onto my body
stabbing myself
killing it all
leaving what i love
going away with that which i have