
my broken halo
like an atom bomb
sitting crooked on my head

my broken self
like a wet paper towel
fucked and frothing at the mouth

my hatred so strong
all inside myself
screaming like a million dead

my delusions large
i am in charge
and you need to get back to bed

crashing through humanity
like a tank through a mall
crackling burning insanity
i dream of mankind’s fall

your faults are there
i point and yell
i want your pain to surface

your lies are huge
a mountain said to be a grain
i will flatten you

your world is false
merely a program
which i am hacking my way into

your sky will crumble
your life will shatter
i will make you stumble
what the fuck’s the matter?

the static invades
scrambling your brains
freezing your already frigid blood

the shaking approaches
a reminder to you
you’re out of options
and the end is rushing forward

my complex is coming
into your living room
like a demon running
a deadly creeping doom




