Category: Black Book

  • Purity of Children

    Content across the soul Cartoons in afternoons Kneeling before bed Mind a blank slate Family guarding the body Caress the precious head Clean air and car seats Filter those you meet Crustless healthy bread Look both ways Must be safe in traffic With moms hand be lead Show the old request Smile and listen intently…

  • Reality

    the grass it’s not ok see over there lets go that way on rocks where i am big tall fence do what i can make friends we have some fun they see the grass that way they run rich price stand resoluted i don’t desert i watch them convoluted i look around new people should…

  • Shredded

    the woman takes my hands and leads me to her den she lays me on the floor she approaches me then her lips near my ears she tells me to be still she runs them down my chest she fills me with a thrill my darkness seems to lift for just a moment or two…

  • Parasite

    it is a parasite feeding on my mind ripping down my will terrors of all kind it puts things inside me a will to be destroyed a hatred seen by all all of this enjoyed it laughs at my torment it grins at my pain it loves to spread chaos it leaves me in shame…

  • Mind Alone

    heart clouded by misjudgements soul clouded by hate and loathing nerves crowded and twitching confusion gumming up the system fuses blown and bulbs burned out headache pounding apart my skull my brain locked inside afraid slipping backwards down the hill emtpy eye sockets bleeding down my face flesh shredded and dripping off of bones dark…

  • Form

    i look at my flesh and imagine it gone the bone left alone the floor red like dawn i imagine my eyes burning red like the sun my shoulders are chipped my sanity done i fall down this hole the gap of our lives past all of my cares through all of my cries the…

  • Escape Artist

    everything’s gonna be alright everything’s gonna be alright everything’s gonna be just fine everything’s gonna be alright everything’s gonna be just fine everything’s gonna be alright as long as i get what i want ive got all the money i need more than anyone else i already have my foot in your door now i…

  • Dusk

    today is fading into tomorrow but tomorrow wont go away tomorrow will always be there again and tomorrow has something to say the chances you had to make it all better are chances you took for granted you didnt care about yourselves noone cared about eachother now destroyed are the seeds that were planted the…

  • Approach

    my broken halo like an atom bomb sitting crooked on my head my broken self like a wet paper towel fucked and frothing at the mouth my hatred so strong all inside myself screaming like a million dead my delusions large i am in charge and you need to get back to bed crashing through…

  • Lay Waste

    ships over the horizon speeding with silence men approaching in boats planes dropping violence televisions blaring internet staring teenagers fucking downstairs taking the cash buying the food errands running out there check the id check the back seat police keeping the peace bombs falling rounds sent downrange everyone looks up cars started doors opened people…