Category: Black Book

  • Broken Souls

    the hopeful ones who tried so long who thought this out we all were wrong we all fell down and brought this on our targets kings but all were pawns we stabbed through flesh to meet cold steel all that we knew just wasn’t real now all alive have been enslaved a secret force has…

  • Tenderness

    what i fought swore, never i will refuse forever it’s hardwired now down to bone a smile on my face no path home i’m part of the machine i’m helping it run i’m grease in the machine and i’m having fun no mirrors to see the past binoculars tunnel vision it’s coming on fast particulars…

  • Assert

    it wakes it moves it’s scales tear through the past starts change currents pass through the mind this time not mine but something else i’m doing well no looking back i have grown will not attack i wear this smile hide in my style let negativity glide on through no looking back blow off attack…

  • Insertion

    my prison is my own the doing of myself and the walls are strong my mind is it’s own a creation of itself there is something wrong outside lies terror the kind found in hell and i can’t get away outside is everything all the under accomplished all the hate i can’t find the door…

  • Numbness

    this isn’t right what happened i dont really understand everything was as before but not anymore something went wrong i have to turn back i must turn back

  • Assertive

    you pulled it off no surprise not again it wont happen again here we are yes we are resolute revolution you’ll have to… martial law pull all power to yourself what then? think we’ll sit? hands down? never. you’ll get it when you see the masses off their asses crashing in you think your men…

  • Return to Feeling

    feel a chill i lay in blood none my own human new eyes realize all lies scrutinize no return this pressure no return i resist no return i continue no return push through no return no return   no return

  • Pulse

    my heart of stone pumping lava through circuitry forever or will it? what is that pain? that massive loss that holocaust my heart changes flowing in reverse lava cooling burning with friction turning against me crucifiction can’t take this loss thought i could never would there i stood as i died looking at her body