Category: Red Book
go find yourself a nice little cowgirl and make nice little cow babies – city girl, the last seduction pen working yet? this one works.
My Final Work
my final work my final days will get no love will get no praise no rememberance no deliverance no dedication not a fucking care not a fucking care not a fucking ounce of love not fucking anywhere never came to be so close so fucked away not another coming day and no one will fucking…
Untitled: Hurt Myself
i hurt myself today and felt the same thing every other time i’ve tried slashed and shattered wing every time i’ve hoped to die another fractured dream what have i become a man without friends with any kind of luck those things will find an end hate myself hate everyone this isn’t very fucking fun…
Untitled: Off to Bed
off to bed off with my head i can’t sleep too lazy to eat and i should be dead too much to ask just pass the flask i’ll jerk it back like the jerk i am drowning finally happy family jack jim jose and i mixed together again my last three friends working together to…
Untitled: I Wanna End It All
i wanna end it all finish the fall drown the pain slice the vein kill myself kill my health fuck it all i wanna end it all while screaming fuck it all while watching dropping jaws hanging slicing stabbing shooting laughing jabbing to fuck with it i’m through with it fuck it all away to…
Untitled: She’ll Start the Shit
she’ll start the shit seeming like the right thing doing a lot for me when she doesn’t want to what the fuck do i do pushing her away i realize when i look into her eyes so beautiful so smart so caring i’m only scaring the both of us destruction, plus i burst out of…
i’m pushing her away and i tried not to what was a boy to do i only wanted you and i hate myself third time was a charm? well she was and the fourth gets better and is getting destroyed i see the signs i feel the pain i am the bastard i must refrain…
Internal Collapse
i’m so scared i will ruin i will sour lose my power and devour the best thing i’ve had and it’s fucking sad the less control i have over everything within the more i have on others before i bathe myself in sin it still seems like it’s only been in dreams that i’ve stayed…
Saturday Fucks Me
i have to purge this into this burning manifesto dizzied again paranoia returns my unwelcomed friend the boots the calls incoming and outgoing i’m taking a chance writing this and i don’t really care i must exorsize this shit so bad that it’s destroying i’ll throw it anywhere trying to prevent the vision of where…