Category: Red Book
Untitled: Give Me The Time
give me the time i’ll give you a crime not as heartless as humanity not as unbelievable as christianity but as fun as killing your parents I have plenty of hate to spare here’s the knife now take a shot make a mark across my chest like a tear kill me too, hey, why the…
Untitled: i Will Give Society
i will give society a concussion much like marilyn manson another world of evil and just a little more handsome i will take your daughters out to a movie wine and dine them and give them attention take them on a comforting drive aroudn the lake then rape them with my ruler like the teachers…
Untitled: I Have Authority
i have authority my things disappear i hate everybody and i am seldom feared my head is killing me i hate myself i hate everyone my heart has left again my mind at war i will kill for fun sacrificial sodomy five foot long guitar strings feeding your children razors three of my favorite things…
Untitled: Let Me Introduce You
let me introduce you to a friend of mine a lone worker who just raped her the mother who gave birth being torn by the huge prick that has eveloped out of the nation from which she represents the fast food culture the i’m right you’re wrong architecture the bible belt and the pain i’ve…
Untitled: I Would Love to Stab You
i would love to stab you and could you blame me after everything you’ve done can’t i have a little fun? find a way to sweep you up into a solid managable pile all the hypocricies every ounce of bull shit 3 5 8 times of death swallow the silver bullet then take the stainless…
Untitled: Covered In Ink
im covered in ink i can’t even think and i’m coming for you i’ll stir up the planet only them behind me strike the fear into you pull it to reality wrap my chords aroudn your power lop it over like a fragile tower crashing into a cloud of empty dust show you now my…
segment: spread your legs
spread your legs and i will fuck you give me ammunition and i will use it on you or related and now firing on innocents society in dissonance
Untitled: Today It Is Here Again
today it is here again the demon’s claws and fangs tearing and biting in imagination wanting to manifest in reality images of bloodshed and agony rummaging aroudn in laughter plans of destruction and plagues of hate random happiness alongside it all i am not happy i am a solo disharmony taking an overpowering position mentally…
Untitled: Just A Few More Days
just a few more days and we will see what will this society tolerate what my next road will be resistance existance another day erasing replacing can’t we find another way? the fight will be over we will stand there staring shrugging and struggling to understand or the fight rages on armies wipe out armies…