Category: Red Book

  • segment: what have we become

    what have we become painted by our own hate our livelyhoods have become our crutches and each of our indulgences will lead us slowly through the double doors in black plastic bags resting on a gourney

  • Untitled: The Frail Status

    the frail status of a psychotic’s mind paranoid gaze of a heroin addict nervous shaking of a lifetime gone wrong scratchy destruction of a dark lover’s song what surprises still lurk in his attic blood smeared across the kitchen floor trailing off into the white carpet crosses turned upside down upon the walls tears pour…


    there is no god anywhere anymore no god no anti christ no reason to sacrifice christianity is fascist

  • Untitled: I Still Remember

    i still remember how your shoulder felt the tenderness of your sweet lips i remember everythign we’ve shared the seductive look of your perfect hips for not one other so much have i cared i admit i drove once again down memory lane knowing it would reignite this incredible pain pouring more urine into my…

  • censored


  • Untitled: The Crowds Go Mad

    the crowds go mad police bring out violence they shoot they yell they jump at us they try to make us silent filling prisons they rage on throwing us in concrete cells giving us water bread and porno they place us in the electric chairs broadcasting it on pay per view portraying us with our…

  • Untitled: Can’t Trust Your Friends

    can’t trust your friends can’t trust your loves can’t trust your boss can’t trust those gloves can’t kill your god can’t kill the cops can’t kill your parents can’t kill your government can’t kill eachother can’t kill ourselves a planet spinning full of hypocricy infected with insanity hatred spreading like fungus corruption unstoppable and we…

  • Untitled: Please Come Down With Me

    please come down with me why wont you just come with me i just want you to come with me it would be such a perfect thing going alone is so depressing i cant do it alone dont want a solitary home come with me please just come with me bring your everything and come…

  • Untitled: Kill Me

    kill me my life my problems my wife sister sanity never close to me never meant to be never here to see brother belief unable to find unable to hear unable to feel hate myself hate you hate everything want to destroy it all stab your mom stab your car stab everything you have burn…

  • Untitled: I Build It Up

    i build it up then tear it apart how’s there anything left of my heart staring out the window will she come is there anything inside of me after everything i’ve done in my descent from grace from hatred i bestow i’m lost in all i’ve known underneath the great below i’ve lost all feeling…