Suicidal Epicenter

the crowd waits in silence
the fans anticipate
they look at eachother
they can’t hardly wait

a single man walks on the stage
he signals to the crowd
he says the band will soon be here
there’s nothing for the fans to fear
the band is looking forward to this

tension builds throughout the crowd
they all begin to chant
they ball their fists and scream aloud
they all scream out in cheering rage

the man returns to the microphone
tells the folks to go back home
the band will not arrive today
lead singer committed suicide

the bassist got mad
got arrested
the crew have quit their jobs
the drummer got high and left
the rest are mourning now backstage

a teenage boy in front speaks out
we want our fucking money back
the man onstage looks to the crowd
grips the microphone and says
fuck you heartless bastard brat

the crowd erupts in psychotic rage
storms upon the empty stage
tears the set down to the ground
runs down the halls to see
the other members must be found

police surroudn the auditorium
try to confine the pandamonium
turn the property into a cage

fires break out across the city
the president begs the madness to end
chaos spreads across the nation
looters destroy while swat teams deploy
the nation cannot defend

mainland destroyed
everyone sane left to die
psychotics continue to unleash the terror

because one man couldn’t handle it
blew himself across the wall
sparked society’s sharp downfall
because one man thought he lost it all
everything unraveled
everything just fell apart
and we didn’t see it coming



