Untitled: Can’t Trust Your Friends

can’t trust your friends
can’t trust your loves
can’t trust your boss
can’t trust those gloves
can’t kill your god
can’t kill the cops
can’t kill your parents
can’t kill your government
can’t kill eachother
can’t kill ourselves
a planet spinning
full of hypocricy
infected with insanity
hatred spreading like fungus
corruption unstoppable
and we can’t even believe in ourselves

i thought i knew who i was
believed i knew where i was going
couldn’t see past my fabrication
didn’t know what i was doing

we all are the smart ones aren’t we?
can’t be told any different
and those who do are ass holes
can’t be seperated from our beliefs
wont listen to anything we’re told
so we disappear again inbetween the fold

our big headds are infecting us
taking our level of consciousness
erasing the final crumbs of our souls
lightening death’s closing anxiousness



