Untitled: I Give Thanks

i give thanks to trent reznor
for delivering the most orgasmic soudns
i give thanks to this pen and this paper
that gives me a realm where i keep my ground
i’m thankful for this porno i’m watching
thankful for these pills i’m dropping
thankful for these girls i’m popping
and these wrists that i keep on slicing

i am giving thanks for everything i enjoy
everythign i take any kind of pleasure in
all the things i use to covor myself with sin
and everything i’ve done to destroy where i’ve been

first and foremost i give thanks to myself
because without myself i couldn’t give thanks
everything that exists inside my head
all the fake things i see as real
dictating every last thing i feel
and adding decay to my mental health

nothing is left
the void remains
these lies are told
inserted pains
and everything is meaningless



