Untitled: Still Trying

still trying
to fill this hole
somewhere inside me
sometimes widening
sometimes deepening
always expanding
never collapsing
ever encompassing

inserting alcohol
placing vents
a perfect woman
a broken hymen
a slice in my flash
a strum on a guitar
a glance from afar
and a kiss goodbye

then i lay on my bed
next to another perfect woman
knowing it will discintigrate
because of a manifestation within
a black soul painted white
too weak to continue the fight
and hoping she can understand
that i can not be complete
and my heart will still deplete
no matter how hard i try

love, drugs, help from above or below
nothing can fix me only complex me
fuck you
fuck me
this was meant to be
Please destroy me
do not enjoy me
do not desert me
do not distort me
unless you erase me



