Aeonaxx Main . Facts . Falsehoods . How To . IMG/VID
Every step, one quest at a time, I am scanning at roughly 20 yards high. Will, upon finding phase, explore phase boundries with my alt. I am in party with someone near NW2 outside temple (rest) boundries, and someone near SW2 inside temple boundries. These are my guages for going in and out of phases as the moment you enter a different phase, the bubbles will appear near their names (with standard UI) indicating I am in a different phase. I will also be making notes of phases entered along the lines of questing and mapping them out as best I can. Numbering the lines so when there is a phase found I can note which line it is found on.
** = Ran Check for Phases
Phases Found:
Line 36 - Needlerock Chasm under Rescue the Stonefather... and Flint
Line 54 - Just a phase during cinematic - no image.
Line 61 - Huge phase for fight behind temple, lasts several quests.
Line 90 - Phased, see image.
Line 93 - Phased just inside temple - no image.
- ENTER DEEPHOLM. On quest Deepholm, Realm of Earth **
- Note: can see my alt in the Temple of Earth boundries.
- Turned in Quest Deepholm, Realm of Earth. **
- Took Quest Gunship Down. **
- Took Quest Captain's Log. **
- Turned in Quests Captain's Log and Gunship Down. **
- Ran a phase check through both outer rings before continuing (curiousity)
- Took Quest Where's Goldmine? **
- Turned in Quest Where's Goldmine? **
- Took Quest Explosive Bonding Compound. **
- Turned in Quest Explosive Boding Compound. **
- Took Quest Something That Burns **
- Turned in Quest Something That Burns **
- Took and turned in Apply and Flash Dry**
- Took and turned in Take Him to the Earthcaller **
- Took Quest to Stonehearth's Aid**
- Turned in Quest to Stonehearth's Aid and took Quest The Quaking Fields**
- Took Quests The Axe of Earthly Sundering - and Elemental Ore**
- Turned in Axe of Earthly Sundering and Elemental Ore, took One With The Ground**
- Turned in One with the Ground, accepted Bring Down the Avalanche**
- Turned in Bring Down the Avalanch
- Took Quest Stonefather's Boon and We're Surrounded**
- Turned in Quests Stonefather's Boon and We're Surrounded
- Took Quests Sealing the Way and Thunder Stones**
- Turned in Quests Thunder Stones and Sealing the Way
- Took Quests Fixer Upper, Battlefront Triage and Shatter Them!**
- Turned in Battlefront Triage, Fixer Upper and Shatter Them!
- Took Troggzar the Earthinator**
- Turned in Troggzar the Earthinator, Took Rush Delivery
- Turned in Rush Delivery and took Close Escort, did it, turned it in
- Took Keep Them Off the Front**
- Keep Them Off the Front turned in, Took Reactivate the Constructs and Mystic Masters**
- Turned in Mystic Masters and Reactivate the Constructs, Took Down Into the Chasm**
- Turned in Down Into the Chasm, took Sprout No More and Fungal Monstrosities
- Turned in Sprout No More and Fungal Monstrosities, took A Slight Problem**
- Turned in A Slight Problem, took Rescue the Stonefather...and Flint - Needlerock Chasm phased**
- Turned in Rescue the Stonefather...and Flint, Took The Hero Returns - Needlerock Chasm no longer phased**
- Turned in The Hero Returns, took The Middle Fragment**
- Turned in The Middle Fragment, took Elemental Energy**
- Turned in Elemental Energy, took The Earth Claims All**
- Turned in The Earth Claims All, took Diplomacy First**
- Turned in Diplomacy First, took All Our Friends are Dead, The Admiral's Cabin
- Turned in The Admiral's Cabin, took Without a Captain or Crew**
- Turned in All Our Friends are Dead, took Take No Prisoners and On Second Thought, Take One Prisoner
- Turned in On Second Thought, Take One Prisoner, took Some Spraining to Do, turned that in
- Turned in Take No Prisoners, took Return to the Temple of Earth**
- Turned in Return to the Temple of Earth, took Deathwing's Fall, Blood of the Earthwarder**
- Turned in Deathwing's Fall, took Bleed the Bloodshaper
- Turned in Bleed the Bloodshaper, took Question the Slaves
- Turned in Question the Slaves, took The Forgemaster's Log**
- Turned in The Forgemaster's Log, took Silvermarsh Rendezvous**
- Turned in Blood of the Earthwarder
- Turned in Silvermarsh Rendezvous, took Quicksilver Submersion, took Twilight Research
- Turned in Twilight Research and took Maziel's Revelation - Went into phase during the Cinematic .....
- Turned in Quicksilver Submersion, took The Twilight Overlook**
- Turned in Maziel's Revelation, took Maziel's Ascendancy
- Turned in Maziel's Ascendancy.**
- Turned in The Twilight Overlook, took Big Game Big Bait, To Catch a Dragon, Into the Stonecore
- Turned in Big Game, Big Bait and turned in To Catch a Dragon. Took Testing the Trap
- Turned in Testing the Trap, took Abyssion's Minions and Block the Gates
- Turned in Abyssion's Minions and Block the Gates, took The World Pillar Fragment** - Big Phase
- Turned in The World Pillar Fragment, took The Very Earth Beneath Our Feet
- Turned in The Very Earth Beneath Our Feet, took On Even Ground and Crumbling Defenses.
- Turned in On Even Ground and Crumbling Defenses, took Core of Our Troubles, turned it in.
- Took and turned in Imposing Confrontation. Took Rocky Relations, turned in, took Hatred Runs Deep**
- Took Unsolid Ground, Loose Stones (phase from 61 still active.)
- Turned in Loose Stones, Hatred Runs Deep and Unsolid Ground. Took Violent Gale.
- Turned in Violent Gale, took Depth of the Depths.
- Turned in Depth of the Depths, took A Rock Amongst Many.** - Phase no longer active - No found phases.
- Turned in A Rock Amongst Many, took Entrenched.
- Turned in Intrenched, took Intervention, Putting the Pieces Together and Making Things Crystal Clear**
- Turned in Intervention, Putting the Pieces Together and Making Things Crystal Clear.
- Took Pebble I TOOK HIM.
- Completed Pebble. Took Clingy.
- Turned in Clingy, took So Big, So Round.**
- Turned in So Big, So Round, took Petrified Delicacies and Rock Bottom.
- Turned in Rock Bottom. Took Rocky Upheaval and Steady Hand.**
- Turned in Steady Hand, took did and turned in Don't. Stop. Moving. Took, Hard Falls and Fragile Values.**
- Turned in Hard Falls and Fragile Values. Took Resonating Blow.
- Resonating Blow turned in.**
- Turned in Rocky Upheaval. Took Doomshrooms, Gone Soft and Familiar Intruders.
- Turned in Familiar Intruders, took A Head Full of Wind.**
- Turned in A Head Full of Wind, took Unnatural Causes.
- Turned in Doomshrooms, Unnatural Causes and Gone Soft.
- Took Shaken and Stirred and Corruption Destruction. Took Wrath of the Fungalmancer.
- Turned in Wrath of the Fungalmancer.
- Turned in Shaken and Stirred, Corruption Destruction. Took At The Stonemother's Call.**
- Turned in At the Stonemother's Call, took Audience with the Stonemother and Wayward Child.
- Turned in Audience with the Stonemother. Took Rallying the Earthen Ring. **
- Turned in Rallying the Earthen Ring. Took Our Part of the Bargain. -- Phase.
- Turned in Our Part of the Bargain.**
- Took The Twilight Flight, Therazane's Mercy, The Stone March.**
- Turned in Twilight Flight, Therazane's Mercy and The Stone March. Took Word in Stone.** Phase inside Temple (No image, just the temple is phased.)
- Turned in Word in Stone. Took and turned in Unyielding Twilight. Took The Binding. Turned in the Binding.
- Took The Stone Throne, Turned in The Stone Throne.
- Twilight Precipice phase gone, I notice in passing. (from 90.)
- Turned in Without a Captain or Crew.** - Phase in Temple is back to normal.
- Took Fly Over and The Twilight Plot. Turned them in, took Decryption Made Easy and Fight Fire and Water and Air with...
- Turned in Decryption Made Easy, took The Wrong Sequence.
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