. M a p s . I m a g e s . E t c .
click here for frozen lake spawn spot images
(View a youtube video by Kampfkeiler of actual spawn)
click here for waterfall spawn spot images
(View a youtube video by Siliconmatrix of actual spawn)
click here for brunnhildar spawn spot images
(View a youtube video by Siliconmatrix of actual (vyragosa) spawn)
click here for ulduar ravine spawn spot images
(View a youtube video by Kampfkeiler of actual spawn)
[REMEMBER: In Kampfkeiler's videos, at that distance you can't see if someone is camping directly on the spawn spot as instructed by this site. So if you're seriously camping it, always put your toon(s) exactly on spawn spots for best odds or risk someone beating you by several seconds to a tag.]