013 . Counter camping. It's an art, really.
There are four options for dealing with other people who aren't with you while camping.
01 . Get them behind you. Someone on your side is the best option.
02 . Troll them. Get them so fucking mad they fuck off and never come back. Or at least are always too busy trying to get you angry in return for their initial rage that you have the focused edge towards the camp objective.
03 . Ignore them and hope for the best.
04 . Engage actively in disinformation while simultaniously trying to learn what they know.
Let me go into the basic strategy I've used for option four in this post. This is really good to do if you already have all the shit covered and need no help at all. I mean, literally don't need help, it's locked down. A nice passive way to send them gleefully into the dark never to find anything. Not a good idea if you have a lot of uncovered shit. Probably more intelligent to try to team up with them if there is a lot of unknown out there.
Now... If you're not ignoring them, you should obviously be at least greeting any same faction people you can. Even other factions, a simple /hail is nice to possibly open up a communication channel. Never know if they have someone on RealID on your faction they fire a "hey, add X to your RealID for Y reason" through. I've done it for others who asked me to, I've had others do it for me, it's handy. Or never know if they're multiboxing another toon on the same server in your faction and can immediately converse from that. Many options.
Either way, get communicating with everyone you see. My favorite people to feed disinformation to are those who very clearly don't know what they are doing. And it's not hard to tell once you've got what you're after down to a science. Just flight patterns can reveal the deep lack of knowledge of the subject they are chasing.
Before you send them off to another zone to search the ocean for a beacon you have to loot that only stays in your inventory for thirty minutes which gives you the ability to see if Aeonaxx spawned, pick their brain as much as you can without feeling like they know you're just harvesting their knowledge on the topic. There are countless people out there who still think Aeonaxx flies around the temple after spawning, before mounting. Still people who think the path it flies after mounted is also flown while still mountable. People who don't even know that and just know it's somewhere in deepholm. Use this to your advantage.
People who think it flies the route, feed them information about spawn spots it most commonly spawns at along the path that are far from the jagged wastes. Those who are totally stupid, I mean clearly have very few sparks among the grey matter in their head, feel free to try elaborate stories that you must not have completed X and Y quest in the zone and must have completed quests L M and N in other zones. Just make shit up that would take hours to complete. I've used the previously mentioned orb bit before. I've pointed people to Shat's vendor that sells supersticious shit.
Some great things to say are you have to kill one rare in every zone and return to Deepholm to be in the phase Aeonaxx spawns in. And also that only lasts a limited amount of time before you have to go back and do it again. I'm fond of times under an hour. That way, if they buy it, they spend more time out of deepholm than in deepholm. That's something.
Some spin if they ask why YOU'RE not out doing this, you can throw in there "I'm in a party. It works for the whole party and we have people out doing this right now." Or a raid group, or whatever you want. Shit, say it works guild wide. "Oh yeah my guild constantly is hunting and dispatching rares. All day man, it's fun for us. So this flag is always triggered on my toon."
Flags, that's a fun one because they're impossible to prove or disprove. Tell them you wont get a buff or debuff or anything once you've completed it but it flags your account as able to see Aeonaxx for the alloted amount of time. The more impossible to prove or disprove things you slip in there that sound absolutely plausable the better.
For Time-Lost I used to tell these types of people I go kill 10,000 Time-Lost Scryers in Sethhek Halls which flags me for one week to be able to see Time-Lost. And sure enough, more times than I really should have ever seen, banging away in Sethhek Halls they are. Over and over. So funny.
You see it a hell of a lot on wowhead too. That's a big reason I think the wowhead mods may not so much be inept and maybe slightly braindead, but perhaps they enjoy all the misinformation too to attempt keeping the super rare stuff more rare. Who knows. But, as a tool of defending the areas camped when you have everything locked down, it is pretty entertaining.
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