                 015 . Don't use that kind of profanity here, we're trying to torture people for fuck sakes.


Clear vent.  Now, we're going to kill Beauty's two children and put the third to sleep.  Killing them in front of her will enrage her.  This will be more fun for us.

fuck can't we do it the easy way?

CLEAR VENT.  And no cussing, please.  Now, after that we're going to kill everybody on the way to the last boss.  After this we're going to go kill every single skinnable thing in Twilight Highlands and use our skinning knives to slice them up so we may have their skins.  After that we'll go into Deepholm, see if we can find Aeosora's mate, Aeonaxx.  One of us are going to jump on his back and ride him around, killing his offspring as they come to try and help him.  Then we're going to kill him and take a shattered shell of him and ride it around as our prize.  Then we'll go collect a few dozen heads of Dude man's followers.  We'll then of course kill Dude man and bring his head to Garrosh for a cash bounty. We may even hit Icecrown and fight some of the vrykul there and have the women yell about how they're going to wear our entrails as a necklace.  But don't cuss.

No?  How about this.

A sixty year old man took two girls he babysits out on a drive in the woods.  He drove down a path far from the main road.  He helped the girls get out of the car and lead them down a narrow trail deep into the forest.  He grabbed them and slammed their heads together hard enough to knock both of them out.  He then raped them and ate their bodies.  He filmed it to add to the library of other similar films he carries with him from one part of the country to another.

There wasn't a piece of profanity in that last paragraph.  So why does anyone care about profanity?  Are you fucking kidding me? Honestly.  Context.  It's all about context, and words like fuck, shit, ass, god dammit, etc...  Get over them.  Who honestly cares.  I'll accept the accusation that it indicates a shrunken vocabulary based on over use of profanity.  If I'm irritated enough to pepper sentences with vulgarities you can bet I don't care at all about pea brained pleas for dropping bad words.

Some words I won't argue that you should definitely use your better judgement and probably just leave them out of your vocabulary unless you're absolutely certain about your company's stance on them (I have some friends where... We'll say fucking anything.  Anything good or bad about anything relating or not relating to us.  We have pretty much no stereotypes we really care about, so we launch off into about anything.)


But, if you're a pretty hateful individual it'll be fairly difficult for you to hide that flaw without using those words anyway.  So, I mean, might as well fly that flag so the rest of us can more readily identify you and keep our distance.  Thanks


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