016 . What's going on around us / Current events.
Contained here will be mental excrement pertaining to the following:
2012 OMG THE END OF THE WORLD!!!!!!!!!!
Dear Humanity, Fuck You.
Kony the Tiger (not originally my idea)
Treyvon Martin and the Neighborhood Watchman of Doom
The Great American Election
The mayan calendar. We've all heard the various theories. Well, those of us with intellectual curiosity have looked into and listened. Some theories range from as harmless as that's all they had to make because the calendar starts over in a perfect loop, thus, no need to go forward and extend it. Others explain with convincing detail that the reason that's the end of the calendar and not extended is because the future patterns for the calendar would depend entirely on the huge events that happen at the end of every cycle. Shit being thrown out of orbit and so on.
Some interpretations point to a portion of space our solar system passes through at this time, which is why that was chosen to be the point in which the cycle ends, where everything that passes through it goes through immense catastrophe and magnetic shifts. This is also what some say is responsible for our sun slipping a little early into a much more busy phase.
What do I think about it? The end couldn't come soon enough. Do I think any of these end of the world prophecies / predictions / scenarios are plausible? Sure. Many things are plausible. A string of texas size asteroids could sneak past our sensors and eyes and destroy all of us in a few hours. Fuck knows. Am I worried about it? No. Am I going to run up a huge amount of debt because who gives a fuck we're all going to die anyway? Nope. I'm not.
Hey, why do you think it couldn't come soon enough? Hmm. Have you been watching the news? No? Good. Staying blissfully ignorant to the happenings in the world is the safest thing for you 'till you absolutely have to stare it in the face. Like certain groups of people back in the first half of the last century who lived in Europe. La de da, life is good oh shit I'm in a train car why am I naked with all these people in this room DEAD. I'd rather be living that way myself, but I'm addicted to technology and I'm curious. So I read about things like Politics and briefly observe shit like Jersey Shore and fucking Survivor. Survivor? Is that at any time fucking dangerous for the lives of fucking anyone there? HOLY FUCK WE'RE UNCOMFORTABLE AND GOD DAMN DON'T SEND ME HOME I'M IN FRONT OF FUCKING CAMERAS. Fuck that shit, mount hidden cameras, put a thousand mines around the island and drop them fuckers in there with a couple tigers, angry gorillas and some poisonous creatures for lols. Last one alive wins five million. Lets play some fucking survivor.
America's Got Talent / American Idol (idle, lol) / The Voice / etc... Ok, come on. This isn't fucking looking for just talent. This is more entertainment for the viewer only, and a good portion of them who get through are talented. You're never going to see a Susan Boyle on the American versions of these shows. And if you have to ask why, please firmly smack yourself in the forehead with your hand. America has visual requirements and if there are totally absolutely ugly overweight people it doesn't matter how talented they are, channels will be changed. This is fact, and it's a sad fact. Fuck humanity.
Then you have the news. What the fuck, news? Not just the content but the presentation. You have CNN which regardless which side says what about it is the most center thing out there, though it does tend to sway center left, politics wise. Then you have MSNBC that sucks the democratic dick, but typically is able to be fact checked on it's reporting. On the other side, way way off the scale you have Fox News. These guys pander to the right. Only, they go above and beyond in the field of spinning the news. They will literally pick very few facts out of a massive story and spin it with boatloads of personal opinions and assertions to make it fit their narrative. Narrative, a word Jon Stewart uses a lot when describing their trash. And it is trash. Anything that's more opinion than fact which is portrayed as fact is trash. It's not something any news outlet, MSNBC included, should be doing. And MSNBC does a lot of spinning too. They just aren't so blatantly FUCK THE FACTS, WE'RE PUTTING IT OUT HERE LIKE THIS as Fox News. And don't get me started on Drudge Report. yeah, Drudge is funny to watch how he gets shit stirred up, but he also does a hell of a lot of misleading and framing things in a way people basically read the headlines and don't click through very often and form their view of the world and how horrible it is on that. More on Politics later.
Speaking of news, we have Kony. He's a warlord in Africa that made a habit out of using very young kids as soldiers. There's a fuckload more than that to the story, but that's the main thing that was making waves around social networks recently. Yeah, yeah, problem still exists in various forms, not so much Kony, but still out there. But the hype, in true social network activism, is all but gone already. So what's the problem, motherfucking Ponderance? Why the fuck say kony the tiger and make light of the situation?
Because it's bullshit. A great point I didn't come up with is, click this map, point out Uganda. Don't fucking google it DO NOT FUCKING GOOGLE IT. Did you paste the Kony shit? Did you know where Uganda was on the map? Are you sure you give a fuck at all? I mean, people who actually know what's going on have probably been doing what they can here and there to make a difference anyway. And this sort of copy paste LOOK I HELPED LOLOLOLOL shit is just helping making people even less likely to truly do anything. Yes, fucking it's spreading awareness and that's all fine and dandy but it's pretty clearly doing more to desensitize than anything. And that's more damaging in the bigger picture, making people MORE apathetic in an increasingly apathetic world, than some downtrodden neighborhoods at war with each other and themselves having children used as warriors. It's horrible, and could stand to evolve out of that type of conflict - but the main people responsible for fixing their shit is them. Like others in history who rose up to say FUCK YOU, WE'RE NOT DEALING WITH THIS SHIT ANYMORE, they hopefully will eventually do the same.
Plus the unfortunate piece of information that it's not profitable for countries to go in there and wave their dick around squashing that type of thing really strikes a nerve. With me, anyway. I'm sure for those who made thousands themselves working for the companies that made many billions off of the middle eastern wars don't have any problem with the way wars are weighed in importance. As I'm sure the mineral miners who are hard at work in Afghanistan are A-OK as well. But hey, I have a shitty musical project I only take donations for and don't actually try to force people to pay to hear the stuff. So what do I know?
But back to Kony. Most of those places that are overrun by warlords who kill at will and take away the food aid at gunpoint after the relief workers leave for the day aren't going to be saved by more relief. You're going to have to go in there and wipe out the warlords, their people under them and any government segments that support them. Otherwise they will continue to have schools and roads built, destroyed and rebuilt. And destroyed again. Then rebuilt. See the cycle? Of course I want to help, but putting a band aid on that gets torn off and the cut reopened to put a band aid on to have it torn off and a new cut..... Fucking stupid. Take care of the problem. Don't just keep throwing band aids and hoping the assholes allow healing and move on.
I know this isn't the case often enough where some help combat wise is given and shit gets cleaned up. And good for those instances. Moving on.
Treyvon Martin and the Neighborhood Watchman
Alright, at first all I heard was this young kid got shot by somebody as he came home from the gas station carrying skittles and a bottle of tea. Of course I was like "And the dude didn't get arrested? Self defense law, what? Was he explosively allergic to tasting the rainbow? Or tea? What the fuck?" then I saw recent pics of Treyvon that were recent, all gangbanger-like retard mtv-baby type herp derp shit. Sorry people, I don't give any fucks about anyone that willingly looks that fucking retarded. Not mental handicap style, no. There are different forms of retarded and trying to look like a gangbanging hiphop badass, nobody's fucking impressed by that besides the other retard empty-v babies. Like me when I was younger, I never did the gold teeth shit but I definitely dressed and acted a little like a retard, and if I had been killed for some reason I'm sure people who saw recent pics would figure, well, probably started some shit and got shot. Whatever, fuck the world.
Then I heard more of the story. About how Zimmerman had called 911 and they told him not to follow Martin. How Zimmerman did it anyway. How Treyvon was on the phone and the girl was telling him to run, and he chose to instead just walk faster. How eyewitnesses, while voicing their disapproval for Zimmerman's antics, saw Martin turn and talk to Zimmerman (instead of continuing away.) So so far, in this paragraph, we have Zimmerman not fucking off when asked by the dispatcher and Martin being stupid as well, turning to talk. Along with what I was reading I heard the 911 call from a neighbor where you can very clearly hear a younger guy screaming. I didn't need multiple vocal experts to decipher the call(s) to conclude it could only have been Treyvon. No shit? Then immediately silenced permanently by the gunshot.
Sorry, if I'm screaming and fighting and shoot someone, not getting shot myself, I'm going to at least make some of the medium to low noises you could hear before the gunshot. But that's not the point, besides probabilities. But still.
So Zimmerman should have fucked off, Martin should have kept fucking walking, a dumbass triggered another dumbass to enter an increasingly dumb situation. In my opinion, fuck both of those assholes. You see HEY, MINE FIELD! LETS GO PLAY IN IT! Dead. Really? Sorry if I'm not concerned.
And after I came to this conclusion more and more came out (and probably will continue to come out) about Zimmerman being a loose cannon over many many years. No shit. As if I needed to learn that with the loose cannon action that got him in the news in the first place.
This time we have who I voted for in 2008. Why did I vote for Obama in 2008, you might ask? Well I had this to consider. Two fucking guys who were firmly behind the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA,) which everyone involved has been quoted saying is a great first step towards a north American union. Many of these people have been quoted regarding a world government not being possible unless they can get continent sized governments in play with countries almost as states before they can even start talking about joining all of them under one set of guidelines. So that made me uncomfortable. Obama and McCain were both either silent or against Gay Marriage. And to this day Obama hasn't more than very vaguely touched the subject. Surely hasn't moved to do anything on a national level and i'm sure when he beats his current adversary he still wont.
The difference I saw very clearly was McCain had two things against him that I felt made Obama the better of the two definite evils. McCain was very very short tempered and his view on international diplomacy was much the same finger in ear FUCK YOU WE'RE 'MERICA, DO WHAT WE SAY OR FUCK OFF that we had to deal with during the previous 8 years. And my only problem, really, besides the No Child Left Behind atrocity that, I mean, fucking why bother making kids go to school if they don't fucking have to truly learn shit to move on? Seriously, god damn it? HEY OUR NUMBERS LOOK GREAT! Yeah, but these fucking kids will probably accidentally kill themselves using a dull blade to break up lettuce at McDonalds. Then while falling to their death somehow move themselves directly into the fry machine. ... Only problem really was taking us to Iraq because of the WMDs, then a fucking year later, maybe a little less, saying these words that will forever be burned into my head and is what made me vote for the fucking alien piece of trash named John Kerry...... "We set out to free the people of Iraq and we have done so." ........ What? You mean that subtext you usually didn't even mention when talking about the "evidence" of WMDs, that he oh by the way happened to also be a dick to his people? A dictator? ..... So now the subtext is the reason you claim you gave in your speeches and you fucking neglect to mention any of the threat to neighbors, WMDs used in terrorism, subtext of 9.11 linking or any of that shit? Just going to totally pretend like all you said was HEY GUYZ WE GOTZ TO STOP THIS BABY KILLING SOCIETY HATING DICTATOR WHO MAKES HIS POEPLE CRY, LIVING LIVES MUCH LIKE OURS WITH GOVERNMENTS THAT MAKE PEOPLE DISAPPEAR FROM TIME TO TIME FOR STUPID SHIT, MUCH LIKE OURS? Fuck Dubya on that one point alone, fuck that shit. Many over a hundred thousand dead and he's going to essentially totally lie about why the fuck the war started in press conferences? Fuck him in his oil hole, the piece of shit. And who gives six shits if his fucking speech writers crafted that misdireciton? He knowingly fucking read it multiple times in front of cameras, so does that not make it directly his and all flack received his own doing?
Anyway, off track. We had two Republicans. McCain, the more so warhungry speaking FUCK YOU, DO WHAT WE SAY.. and Obama, very much the same domestically, but had more of a "Well, hold on here, lets not wave our dicks just yet, lets talk a little" more logical approach to foreign diplomacy?
OMG WE CAN'T TALK TO OUR ENEMIES QQQQQQQQ, well, lets go to war, you and I, because I'll keep methods of communication open gathering much, much more information than I would have had before while you take your line of attack and blindly throw shit into the press and go to war while more measured approaches are devastating..... Obviously people don't want a chance for peace, just straight to war. And that's illogical outside of a population control state of mind. If you just want people to die for more room to thrive, fine. But fucking admit it.
So that was it. Two republicans to choose from. One was a little less of a retard when working with others (US w/the world.) So that's who I chose. And I actually didn't have a clue if I was even going to bother voting 'till the 2nd debate when one thing Obama said was taken and entirely reworded to mean something completely different by McCain, then thrown back at Obama the rest of the debate. I'm not voting for someone who resorts to such horses hit. If I wanted to see reworded, retooled facts thrown around for days, I'd watch Fox News. I'm not saying CNN or MSNBC are pure awesome news. I'm saying Fox News is hands down the worst. Do fact checking people, they're all fucked, Fox News is a blood filled rotting cess pool.
In 2000 I voted for George Carl in because I sure as fuck wasn't voting for Dubya or Gore. No. No I'm not. In 2004 as I said I voted for Kerry. Just as many people will vote for whatever Republican (any of them who ran, they're all just as horrible as anyone else at the bottom of the trusted pool in the government.) In 2012, who am I voting for then? Not the Independent who runs as a Republican Ron Paul. That dude, anyone who supports him should spend more time watching CSpan when it's not a campaign season. Dude would get his ass beat by the campaign incarnation of himself. Hands down. BUT I'VE SEEN VIDEO OF HIM SAYING WHAT HE SAYS ON THE CAMPAIGN TRAIL ON THE FLOOR ACTUALLY AT WORK. Yeah. Because you can't possibly cherry pick a few things that are of the same tune over many years in that office? Fuck off.
As it stands I'm voting for Lewis Black. OMG HE'S NOT EVEN A FUCKING CANDIDATE YOU'RE THROWING YOUR VOTE AWAY. Yeah? People who voted for Obama who watched one hope after another get casually tossed into the toilet over the years, do you feel your vote was totally wasted on him? So do I. Anyone else besides myself in hindsight thinking they may as well have voted for a carrot than voted for Kerry? Yeah, I'm sure there are. I'd rather vote for someone that, some tiny fraction of a percent, could possibly get quite a few million other magic votes from people thinking FUCK THIS, LEWIS BLACK WOULD BE AWESOME, WRITE IN! I'd rather put a vote in and feel good about myself than regret a squandered lesser evil vote like I did in 2008. Never again. And again, anyone who thinks that's throwing their vote away should step back and analyze the situation objectively.
Or, actually, think of it this way. You get to vote today! Here are your choices:
Reason for Voting: What are we going to do today as a group?
(A) Get shot in the head with a shotgun, point blank.
(B) Get shot into the air a few hundred thousand feet up at which point the rocket will explode. But you will have a blanket, maybe you can parachute down if you survive.
(C) ________________________
What are you going to do? I'll tell you what I would do. I'm going to write "Order Pizza from Dominos" myself. If everybody else is like OH FUCK ME, I HAVE TO PICK ONE OF THESE? THE ROCKET SOUNDS MORE FUN I'LL DO THAT. Well, I'll go down with the group. And if everyone wrote shit in and nobody wins? Well, I'm going to fucking try. I'll never feel guilty for doing what I can. And none of us can run for office without many many millions of dollars getting involved. We don't have a government, we have a bunch of people put in by business to make businesses as comfortable as they can pull off. That's all. That's all the majority of the healthcare bill was. I skimmed that entire thing. Read quite a few full pages. That was partially an insurance company backhand. But, even getting told HEY YOU PIECEO F SHIT YOU CAN'T KEEP TAKING PEOPLE'S MONEY AND REFUSING TO BRING ON PEOPLE YOU KNOW WILL COST YOU MONEY. YOU CAN'T CONTINUE RELEASING PEOPLE FROM COVERAGE BECAUSE LOL YOU HAVE TO PAY OUT. No. But, even with that, it brings in tons more business, so, in the end they're going to get rich off it anyway and all the crying in the world isn't going to trick those of us who understand basic math. They may not have won as big as they did taking money and dumping people, but they clearly would have still made plenty of profit. Not a complicated equation to solve.
Palin was fucking deeply idiotic. Anyone who took a year or two to fully realize this should be instantly penalized from ever being able to vote again. Did you read her books? You should. They're painful, but very telling and laughable.
That is all. I now have a headache.
If any of this makes you angry, fuck off. I try to be honest, however off base I may be. I always try to look into things considerably. And I'm not saying any of this, especially the Trayvon thing, even has fully complete information. Maybe Obama's a reptilian alien. Maybe Trayvon pulled out a dildo and threw it at Martin and ran at him screaming in fury and made him scream like a little girl then went for Zimmerman's gun and instead got shot himself. I'm just stating what I feel based on the information I have and giving a decent picture of what I'm basing my opinions on. My opinions have been and always will be open to change. For example, I used to think Clinton didn't do anything I really objected with. Then the economy collapsed and it was brought to my attention that one of the parting shots he made was passing a deregulation ofa lot of things in the financial sector. With some of these regulations in place much would have been stopped before it snowballed into the weight that collapsed parts of the system. So yeah, I gained that beef with Clinton. However, I can't hate him based on all of the exceptional work he's done with the Clinton Global Initiative. Look it up if you're a die hard republican. Even republicans have to admire some of the enormous humanitarial aid he's set into fluid motion. And I really think Daddy Bush got fucked over not getting elected again. In my opinion he deserved another term. And trickle down economics is a fucking fail concept for anyone who makes less than six digits a year.
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