Aeonaxx Main . Facts . Falsehoods . How To . IMG/VID


1 Person Camp . 01 . 02 . 03 . 04
2 Person Camp . 01 . 02 . 03 . 04

1 Person Camp . 01 . 02 . 03 . 04
2 Person Camp . 01 . 02 . 03 . 04


Reason for camp position choice:

With 3 north spots uncamped directly and SE1 out by itself with SW1 and SW2 directly camped, I would stack directly on NW2. If it's a NW1 or NE1 spawn it will be a bit of a race with the person camping a really good multi-spawn view spot.  However, I would do this before camping SE1 directly and really having very little of a shot at SW2.


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